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en:start [2014/08/28 11:11]
melodie [Welcome to LinuxVillage wiki!]
en:start [2015/07/30 22:57] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 ---- ----
-==== Some sections ====+<WRAP center round important 60%> 
 +Please use the  [[playground:​playground|sandbox]] for your training. 
-  * Beginners ​            +----
-  * Average ​              +
-  * Advanced+
-==== More sections ​====+<WRAP group> 
 +<WRAP half column>​ 
 +==== Where to start ==== 
 +== Beginners start here ==           
 +  * [[en:​hardware|Hardware]] 
-  +<WRAP half column> 
-  * Software ​                +==== General topics ====
-  * Hardware ​           +
-  * System +
-  * Desktop+
 +   * Software and tips
 +    * [[en:​configuration:​custompreviews|File Previews in PCManFM]]
 +    * [[en:​configuration:​|Redshift under Ubuntu]]
 +    * [[en:​configuration:​window manager|Openbox]]
 +  * [[en:​hardware|Hardware]] ​         ​
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 ==== Create projects ==== ==== Create projects ====
   * Remix creation   * Remix creation
-      * Method ​1 +      * Method ​using Ubuntu Mini Remix and Ubuntu Builder 
-      * Method ​2…+      * Method ​using seeds
 +<WRAP half column>​ 
 +==== Networks ==== 
 +    * [[en:Filter Email|Fetchmail filtering tip]] 

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